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Categories: Love words


I think we need to understand well what we mean by the word honor. Who is an honorable person? If honor is honesty, for example, then an honest man becomes honorable, and likewise an honest woman becomes honorable. The moral standards set by society must apply to all its members, regardless of gender, color, or social class. In a society that believes in chastity as a moral value, this value must apply to all members of society. Either it applies to one gender but not the other gender, or to one class. Without the other class, this indicates that this chastity is not a moral value, but rather a law imposed by the existing social system. If men are the masters in society, they call on women to adhere to the values of honor and chastity to ensure their submission, while men go ahead and allow themselves to enjoy everything they have forbidden to women. Conditions have changed, the world has developed, and people are rushing to keep up with the wheel of development. People compete over types of phones, the way of dressing, and the way of speaking. Each of them thinks that he has achieved this and rises to the levels of perfection. Man was not created perfect. People have become crowded and withdrawn from their phones and from deceptive, fake electronic friendships. You will find the adulteress in the guise of a chaste woman, the thief in the guise of a noble person, and the ignorant person in the guise of a wise and knowledgeable person. Phones have become more filled with brains, immorality has spread and become permissible among everyone, and brothels have been established. The girl commits adultery while she is in her home, and the young man commits adultery while he is in the house. On the way or in the workplace, homes are violated from their widest doors, and immorality is practiced on public transportation, schools, and universities, and across the globe. Immorality has been made permissible, and the love of immorality has spread among people, so groups for immorality and immorality have been created, and pictures of girls are uploaded to Facebook, with the aim of promoting immorality and moral depravity, and demolishing homes, so sex has become permissible. He had markets and followers. The woman became called (the sexual woman) in the way she dressed, walked, behaved, and laughed. She began to wear short clothes, exposing her legs, as if she were saying, “Look at me, not at anyone else. I am a female. There is something in me that no one else has. Look at my color. Look at my buttocks.” She started wearing tight blouses as if she was calling out, “Look, passerby.” Next to me is my chest and its girdle. It is very tempting, and everyone who looks at it commits adultery with it as it walks strutting and exudes scents that arouse a man’s desire. From the book Life Excerpts
Categories: Love words
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